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ESDiT Research Line


This line studies how the ethics and philosophy of technology can be innovated through the development of new collaborative, transdisciplinary approaches between philosophers and artists. In this way, it contributes to program objective (4) on technology ethics and multi- and transdisciplinarity; How can we innovate the ethics and philosophy of technology by developing new collaborative approaches between philosophers, engineers, social scientists, policy makers, designers, and artists, aimed at improved philosophical and ethical analysis and responsible innovation?


In the ESDiT programme, we aim to innovate the ethics of technology so that we can critically evaluate and guide the development, introduction and use of current and future socially disruptive technologies. To pursue its aim, the ESDIT programme has nine research lines.

Description of This Research Line

The Art Research Line was established at the beginning of 2023 to foster research on the interplay between art and the ethics of disruptive technologies. Specifically, the art line aims to better understand

  • what artistic practices and the experience of art can reveal about the nature and social implications of disruptive technologies [ESDiT objective 1] and
  • how art may guide the ethical development of disruptive technologies through, for example, processes of transdisciplinary collaboration, public deliberation, artistic intervention, and engineering education [ESDiT objective 4].

Example research: speculating about the artificial womb

“Monuments for future m/otherhood”. Immersive scenarios about the future artificial womb at Dutch Design Week, 2022. Design: Lisa Mandemaker. Photo: Max Kneevel.

In our research, we seek collaboration and exchange with artists. For example, ESDiT fellows Julia Hermann, Lily Frank, Naomi Jacobs and Llona Kavege collaborated with speculative designer Lisa Mandemaker, Designlab Twente, and a range of other stakeholders to question the future of the artificial womb. This is an emerging reproductive technology that might allow human fetuses to develop outside of a human’s body in the future. Together with the designer, the researchers created immersive scenarios that raise ethical questions like: what does the artificial womb mean for our interpretation of motherhood or fatherhood? How will it change our relation to children? How will it affect the interpretation of gender-roles? This resulted in the installation “Monuments for future m/otherhood” that was presented at the Dutch Design Week 2022, which attracted over 350.000 visitors.

Do you want to get involved?

Do you want to get involved with the art line? We organize monthly research meetings to discuss work-in-progress (online). In addition, we organize workshops, reading groups, and exhibition visits. Please email us if you’d like to stay informed of future events (


Related Projects

Art for Climate Solidarity [2022-2025]

Post-doc: Dr. Aafke Fraaije (

Daily supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sabine Roeser (

Co-supervisor: Dr. Julia Hermann (

Project Description
This project will study how artworks can contribute to fostering empathy, care, and solidarity in times of climate crisis.

The idea to be investigated in this postdoc-project is how artworks can contribute to emotional-moral deliberation on climate change, by invoking compassion, sympathy and care, by making crucial contributions to solidarity, and by making the intangible but urgent challenges of climate change more concrete.

Related Publications

Investigating and imagining human-nature-technology relationships through dance

Rijssenbeek, Julia; Fraaije, Aafke

Investigating and imagining human-nature-technology relationships through dance Journal Article

In: Inscriptions, vol. 8, no. 1, 2025.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Capturing the Sun: Solarpunk and the Elite Capture of Imagination

Gerola, Alessio; Robaey, Zoë

Capturing the Sun: Solarpunk and the Elite Capture of Imagination Journal Article

In: CY online, vol. XII, no. 2, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Picturing finitude: Photography of mountain glaciers as a multiple practice of dealing with environmental loss

Bühr, Lorina

Picturing finitude: Photography of mountain glaciers as a multiple practice of dealing with environmental loss Journal Article

In: Environmental Values, 2024, ISSN: 0963-2719.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Fraaije, Aafke; van der Meij, Marjoleine; Vermeeren, Arnold; Kupper, Frank; Broerse, Jacqueline

Creating room for citizen perspectives in ‘smart city’ Amsterdam through interactive theatre Journal Article

In: vol. 7, no. 1, 2023, ISSN: 2399-8121.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Related News & Media

Just Perceive: How Phenomenology and the Arts Can Guide Us in the Tech Era – seminar recording now available

Just Perceive: How Phenomenology and the Arts Can Guide Us in the Tech Era – seminar recording now available

#ESDiTPodcast S1 – Sabine Roeser on “Technological Risk, Emotions and Art”

#ESDiTPodcast S1 – Sabine Roeser on “Technological Risk, Emotions and Art”

Radical Philosophy podcast interview with Julia Hermann

Radical Philosophy podcast interview with Julia Hermann

Related Events

Synthesis Workshop: Transdisciplinarity

Date: May 7, 2025
Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: TU Eindhoven
Academic event | Art | ESDIT event by invitation only | STEM
ESDIT logo

The ESDiT Synthesis Workshop Transdisciplinarity is only accessible for ESDiT Fellows.

ESDiT Art Exhibition at the University of Twente

Start date: October 2, 2024
End date: December 10, 2024
All-day event
Location: University of Twente
Academic event | Art | Public ESDIT event

ESDiT Art Track’s Fellows are organizing the ESDiT exhibition, which will open during the ESDiT/4TUEthics “Rethinking Ethics—Reimagining Technology” conference on 2 October and close on 10 December. The exhibition, hosted by the University of Twente, approaches art as a form of philosophy of technology. Through the exhibition and related conference program, we’re investigating how art raises […]

People Involved


Dr. Aafke Fraaije

Dr. Aafke Fraaije

Postdoctoral Researcher
Delft University of Technology
ESDIT role(s): Coordinator research lineResearch fellow
Core line(s): ArtDemocracy, Justice & Solidarity
Kaush Kalidindi

Kaush Kalidindi

PhD candidate
Eindhoven University of Technology
ESDIT role(s): Research fellow
Core line(s): STEM
Affiliated line(s): Art


Dr. Julia Hermann

Dr. Julia Hermann

Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Ethics of Technology
University of Twente
ESDIT role(s): Advisor research lineManagement boardResearch fellow
Core line(s): ArtConceptual DisruptionIntercultural PhilosophySTEMWellbeing, Emotions & Health
Affiliated line(s): Human Nature, Agency & Autonomy
Prof. dr. Sabine Roeser

Prof. dr. Sabine Roeser

Professor of Ethics
Delft University of Technology
ESDIT role(s): Advisor research lineManagement boardResearch fellow
Core line(s): Wellbeing, Emotions & Health
Affiliated line(s): Art

All ESDiT Research Lines

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics)

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics)