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Value Change and Technological Design

van der Weij, Freek; Steinert, Steffen; van Poel, Ibo; Alleblas, Joost; Melnyk, Anna; de Wildt, Tristan; Abbink, David; Almeida, Denise

Value Change and Technological Design Journal Article

In: IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 25-32, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Moral values, Value change, value-sensitive design

Toward Diabetes Device Development That Is Mindful to the Needs of Young People Living With Type 1 Diabetes: A Data- and Theory-Driven Qualitative Study

Brew-Sam, Nicola; Parkinson, Anne; Chhabra, Madhur; Henschke, Adam; Brown, Ellen; Pedley, Lachlan; Pedley, Elizabeth; Hannan, Kristal; Brown, Karen; Wright, Kristine; Phillips, Christine; Tricoli, Antonio; Nolan, Christopher; Suominen, Hanna; Desborough, Jane

Toward Diabetes Device Development That Is Mindful to the Needs of Young People Living With Type 1 Diabetes: A Data- and Theory-Driven Qualitative Study Journal Article

In: JMIR Diabetes, vol. 8, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Data- and theory-driven analysis, Improved device design, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, UTAUT, value-sensitive design, Young people