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Hic sunt leones. User orientation as a design principle for emerging institutions on social media platforms

Marin, Lavinia; Vica, Constantin

Hic sunt leones. User orientation as a design principle for emerging institutions on social media platforms Journal Article

In: AI & SOCIETY, vol. n/a, iss. n/a, 2024, ISSN: 1435-5655.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Design, Normativity, Technology interaction, User engagement, User-centered design


Promoting Occupational Health through Gamification and E-Coaching: A 5-Month User Engagement Study

Zhang, Chao; van Gorp, Pieter; Derksen, Maxine; Nuijten, Raoul; IJsselsteijn, Wijnand A.; Zanutto, Alberto; Melillo, Fabio; Pratola, Roberto

Promoting Occupational Health through Gamification and E-Coaching: A 5-Month User Engagement Study Journal Article

In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18, iss. 6, no. 2823, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Behaviour change, E-coaching, Health informatics, Occupational health, Social gamification, User engagement, User study