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Picturing finitude: Photography of mountain glaciers as a multiple practice of dealing with environmental loss

Bühr, Lorina

Picturing finitude: Photography of mountain glaciers as a multiple practice of dealing with environmental loss Journal Article

In: Environmental Values, 2024, ISSN: 0963-2719.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Climate change, Environmental sustainability, Media, Photography


Sustainability as an Intrinsic Moral Concern for Solidaristic Health Care

Verweij, Marcel; Ossebaard, Hans

Sustainability as an Intrinsic Moral Concern for Solidaristic Health Care Journal Article

In: Health Care Analysis, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Climate change, Environmental pollution, Environmental sustainability

Techno-fixing non-compliance - Geoengineering, ideal theory and residual responsibility

Sand, Martin; Hofbauer, Benjamin; Alleblas, Joost

Techno-fixing non-compliance - Geoengineering, ideal theory and residual responsibility Journal Article

In: Technology in Society, vol. 73, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Climate change, Geoengineering, Ideal Theory, Non-compliance, Responsibility, Tecno-fix

Solar radiation modification is risky, but so is rejecting it: a call for balanced research

Wieners, Claudia; Hofbauer, Benjamin; Vries, Iris De; Honegger, Matthias; Visioni, Daniele; Russchenberg, Hermann; Felgenhauer, Tyler

Solar radiation modification is risky, but so is rejecting it: a call for balanced research Journal Article

In: Oxford Open Climate Change, vol. 3, iss. 1, 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Climate change, Climate mitigation


Blok, Vincent; Dros, Lodewijk

Filosoof Vincent Blok: ‘In klimaatverandering zijn filosofen nauwelijks geïnteresseerd’ Journal Article

In: Trouw, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Climate change


The World’s Most Dangerous Idea? Transhumanism in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Climate Change, and Existential Risk. Some Comments on Stefan Lorenz Sorgner’s On Transhumanism

Nyholm, Sven

The World’s Most Dangerous Idea? Transhumanism in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Climate Change, and Existential Risk. Some Comments on Stefan Lorenz Sorgner’s On Transhumanism Journal Article

In: Deliberatio Studies in Contemporary Philosophical Challenges, vol. 1, iss. 1, pp. 77-86, 2021, ISBN: 2810 – 5532.

BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Climate change, Existential risks, Transhumanism, Values

Niche level investment challenges for European Green Deal financing in Europe: lessons from and for the agri-food climate transition

Long, Thomas B.; Blok, Vincent

Niche level investment challenges for European Green Deal financing in Europe: lessons from and for the agri-food climate transition Journal Article

In: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, vol. 8, no. 269, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Climate change, European Green Deal, Niche level investment

Coronavirus and Climate Change: What can the Former Teach us about the Latter?

Hermann, Julia; Bauer, Katharina; Baatz, Christian

Coronavirus and Climate Change: What can the Former Teach us about the Latter? Book Chapter

In: Niker, Fay; Bhattacharya, Aveek (Ed.): Chapter 19, pp. 243-256, Bloomsbury Academic, 1, 2021, ISBN: 1350225908.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Climate change, COVID-19

De 21ste eeuwse Darwin

Hopster, Jeroen

De 21ste eeuwse Darwin Journal Article

In: Wijsgerig perspectief op maatschappij en wetenschap, vol. 61, iss. 3, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Climate change, Darwin

Zijn nationale klimaatrechtszaken zinvol?

Hopster, Jeroen

Zijn nationale klimaatrechtszaken zinvol? Journal Article

In: Filosofie Magazine, vol. 2021, iss. 9, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Climate change, Climate court case

Enabling assessment of distributive justice through models for climate change planning: A review of recent advances and a research agenda

Jafino, Bramka Arga; Kwakkel, Jan H.; Taebi, Behnam

Enabling assessment of distributive justice through models for climate change planning: A review of recent advances and a research agenda Journal Article

In: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, vol. 12, iss. 4, no. e721, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Climate change, Ethics, Global Justice

Use and Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Climate Change Adaptation in Africa

Rutenberg, Isaac; Gwagwa, Arthur; Omino, Melissa

Use and Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Climate Change Adaptation in Africa Journal Article

In: African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation, pp. 1107-1126, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Adaptation, Africa, Algorithms, Artificial intelligence, Climate change, Data, Migration

Is een kinderwens nog van deze tijd?

Hopster, Jeroen

Is een kinderwens nog van deze tijd? Journal Article

In: Filosofie Magazine, vol. 2021, iss. 5, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Children, Climate change