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ESDiT Publications

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A historical perspective of biomedical explainable AI research

Malinverno, Luca; Barros, Vesna; Ghisoni, Francesco; Visonà, Giovanni; Kern, Roman; Nickel, Philip; Ventura, Barbara; Šimić, Ilija; Stryeck, Sarah; Manni, Francesca; Ferri, Cesar; Jean-Quartier, Claire; Genga, Laura; Schweikert, Gabriele; Lovrić, Mario; Rosen-Zvi, Michal

A historical perspective of biomedical explainable AI research Journal Article

In: Patterns, vol. 4, iss. 9, pp. 9, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Corona virus, COVID-19, Decision-making, Explainability, Foundation models, Machine learning, Meta-review, PRISMA, Trustworthiness

Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies: An Introduction

van de Poel, Ibo; Frank, Lily; Hermann, Julia; Hopster, Jeroen; Lenzi, Dominic; Nyholm, Sven; Taebi, Behnam; Ziliotti, Elena (Ed.)

Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies: An Introduction Book

Open Book Publishers, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, artificial wombs, Climate engineering, Social media, Social robots, Society, Technology

The technology triad: disruptive AI, regulatory gaps and value change

Hopster, Jeroen; Maas, Matthijs

The technology triad: disruptive AI, regulatory gaps and value change Journal Article

In: AI and Ethics, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Regulation, Social disruptive technologies, Technology ethics, Technology law, Value change

If conceptual engineering is a new method in the ethics of AI, what method is it exactly?

Löhr, Guido

If conceptual engineering is a new method in the ethics of AI, what method is it exactly? Journal Article

In: AI and Ethics, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: AI Ethics, Artificial intelligence, Conceptual engineering, Conceptual ethics, Pragmatism, Representationalism

AI, Control and Unintended Consequences: The Need for Meta-Values

van de Poel, Ibo

AI, Control and Unintended Consequences: The Need for Meta-Values Book Section

In: Fritzsche, Albrecht; Santa-María, Andrés (Ed.): pp. 117-129, Springer, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Control, Experimentation, Machine ethics, Machine learning, Unintended consequences, Value sensitive design, Values

Artificial Intelligence, Humanoid Robots, and Old and New Control Problems

Nyholm, Sven

Artificial Intelligence, Humanoid Robots, and Old and New Control Problems Book Chapter

In: Hakli, R.; Mäkelä, P.; Seibt, J. (Ed.): pp. 3-12, IOS Press, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Control, Humanoid robots, The control problem


A new control problem? Humanoid robots, artificial intelligence, and the value of control

Nyholm, Sven

A new control problem? Humanoid robots, artificial intelligence, and the value of control Journal Article

In: AI and Ethics, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Control, Extended agency, Humanoid robots, Self-control, The control problem

O'Neill, Elizabeth; Klincewicz, Michal; Kemmer, Michiel

Ethical Issues with Artificial Ethics Assistants Book Chapter

In: Véliz, Carissa (Ed.): Oxford Academic, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial ethics advisor, Artificial ethics assistant, Artificial intelligence, Moral cognition, Moral decision-making, Moral enhancement

Royakkers, Lambèr; Huigsloot, Nathalie

‘De mens wordt steeds meer een robot’ Journal Article

In: HP De Tijd, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence

Contestable AI by Design: Towards a Framework

Alfrink, Kars; Keller, Ianus; Kortuem, Gerd; Doorn, Neelke

Contestable AI by Design: Towards a Framework Journal Article

In: Minds and Machines, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Automated decision-making, Contestability, Design, Human-computer interaction, Machine learning, Sociotechnical systems

On the sui generis value capture of new digital technologies: The case of AI

Kazim, Emre; Fenoglio, Enzo; Hilliard, Airlie; Koshiyama, Adriano; Mulligan, Catherine; Trengove, Markus; Gilbert, Abigail; Gwagwa, Arthur; Almeida, Denise; Gosdiff, Phil; Porayska-Pomsta, Kaska

On the sui generis value capture of new digital technologies: The case of AI Journal Article

In: Patterns, vol. 3, iss. 7, no. 100526, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Digital assets, Information theory, Ontology, Value theory

Lee, Minha; Frank, Lily; de Kort, Yvonne A. W.; IJsselsteijn, Wijnand A.

Where is Vincent? Expanding our emotional selves with AI Conference

CUI '22: Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, no. 19, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Emotional selves

Meaningful human control: Actionable properties for AI system development

Siebert, Luciano Cavalcante; Lupetti, Maria Luce; Aizenberg, Evgeni; Beckers, Niek; Zgonnikov, Arkady; Veluwenkamp, Herman; Abbink, David; Giaccardi, Elisa; Houben, Geert-Jan; Jonker, Catholijn; van den Hoven, Jeroen; Forster, Deborah; Lagendijk, Reginald L.

Meaningful human control: Actionable properties for AI system development Bachelor Thesis


Links | BibTeX | Tags: AI Ethics, Artificial intelligence, Meaningful human control, Moral responsibility, Socio-technical systems

The role of the African value of Ubuntu in global AI inclusion discourse: A normative ethics perspective

Gwagwa, Arthur; Kazim, Emre; Hilliard, Airlie

The role of the African value of Ubuntu in global AI inclusion discourse: A normative ethics perspective Journal Article

In: Patterns, vol. 3, iss. 4, no. 100462, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: African ethics and values, AI Ethics, Artificial intelligence, Ubuntu philosophy, Utilitarianism

Tensions in transparent urban AI: designing a smart electric vehicle charge point

Alfrink, Kars; Keller, Ianus; Doorn, Neelke; Kortuem, Gerd

Tensions in transparent urban AI: designing a smart electric vehicle charge point Journal Article

In: AI & Society, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Electric vehicles, Transparency, Urban AI

Trust in medical artificial intelligence: a discretionary account

Nickel, Philip

Trust in medical artificial intelligence: a discretionary account Journal Article

In: Ethics and Information Technology, vol. 24, no. 7, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Discretion, Future of medicine, Normative expectations, Trust in AI


Road map for research on responsible artificial intelligence for development (AI4D) in African countries: The case study of agriculture

Gwagwa, Arthur; Kazim, Emre; Kachidza, Patti; Hilliard, Airlie; Siminyu, Kathleen; Smith, Matthew; Shawe-Taylor, John

Road map for research on responsible artificial intelligence for development (AI4D) in African countries: The case study of agriculture Journal Article

In: Perspective, vol. 2, iss. 12, no. 100381, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Africa, AI Ethics, Artificial intelligence, Development, Responsible AI

The World’s Most Dangerous Idea? Transhumanism in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Climate Change, and Existential Risk. Some Comments on Stefan Lorenz Sorgner’s On Transhumanism

Nyholm, Sven

The World’s Most Dangerous Idea? Transhumanism in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Climate Change, and Existential Risk. Some Comments on Stefan Lorenz Sorgner’s On Transhumanism Journal Article

In: Deliberatio Studies in Contemporary Philosophical Challenges, vol. 1, iss. 1, pp. 77-86, 2021, ISBN: 2810 – 5532.

BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Climate change, Existential risks, Transhumanism, Values

Automation, work and the achievement gap

Danaher, John; Nyholm, Sven

Automation, work and the achievement gap Journal Article

In: AI and Ethics, vol. 1, iss. 3, pp. 227-237, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Achievement, Artificial intelligence, Automation, Autonomy, Community, Mastery, Meaningful work, Responsibility gap

Use and Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Climate Change Adaptation in Africa

Rutenberg, Isaac; Gwagwa, Arthur; Omino, Melissa

Use and Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Climate Change Adaptation in Africa Journal Article

In: African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation, pp. 1107-1126, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Adaptation, Africa, Algorithms, Artificial intelligence, Climate change, Data, Migration

Artificial Intelligence in the Water Domain. Opportunities for Responsible Use

Doorn, Neelke

Artificial Intelligence in the Water Domain. Opportunities for Responsible Use Journal Article

In: Science of The Total Environment, vol. 755, iss. 1, no. 142561, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Data science, Ethics, Many-objective optimisation, Responsible AI, Water domain

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Gordon, John-Stewart; Nyholm, Sven

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence Online


Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Ethics

Artificial intelligence for human flourishing – Beyond principles for machine learning

Stahl, Bernd Carsten; Andreou, Andreas; Brey, Philip; Hatzakis, Tally; Kirichenko, Alexey; Macnisch, Kevin; Shaelou, S. Laulhé; Patel, Andrew; Ryan, Mark; Wright, David

Artificial intelligence for human flourishing – Beyond principles for machine learning Journal Article

In: Journal of Business Research, vol. 124, iss. Artificial Intelligence, pp. 374-388, 2021.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Big data, Ethics, Governance, Human rights


Three philosophical perspectives on the relation between technology and society, and how they affect the current debate about artificial intelligence

van de Poel, Ibo

Three philosophical perspectives on the relation between technology and society, and how they affect the current debate about artificial intelligence Journal Article

In: Human Affairs, vol. 30, iss. 4, pp. 499-511, 2020.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Co-evolution, Philosophy, Society, Technological determinism, Technology, Values