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Moral Uncertainty in Technomoral Change: Bridging the Explanatory Gap

Nickel, Philip; Kudina, Olya; van de Poel, Ibo

Moral Uncertainty in Technomoral Change: Bridging the Explanatory Gap Journal Article

In: Perspectives on Science, vol. 30, iss. 2, pp. 260-283, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Moral uncertainty, Socially disruptive technologies, Techno-moral change


Disruptive Innovation and Moral Uncertainty

Nickel, Philip

Disruptive Innovation and Moral Uncertainty Journal Article

In: Nanoethics, vol. 14, pp. 259-269, 2020.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Data ethics, Disruptive innovation, Disruptive technology, Ethics of organ transplantation, Moral disruption, Moral uncertainty, Withdrawal of life support