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Management board

The ESDIT program is managed by a board
with members from the consortium partners.

Prof. dr. Joel Anderson

Prof. dr. Joel Anderson

Professor of Moral Psychology and Social Philosophy
Utrecht University
ESDIT role(s): Management boardResearch fellow
Research line(s): Foundations & SynthesisThe Human Condition
Prof. dr. Vincent Blok

Prof. dr. Vincent Blok

Professor in Philosophy of Technology and Responsible Innovation
Wageningen University & Research
ESDIT role(s): Management boardResearch fellow
Research line(s): Nature, Life & Human Intervention
Prof. dr. Philip Brey

Prof. dr. Philip Brey

Professor of Philosophy of Technology
University of Twente
ESDIT role(s): Management boardResearch fellowResearch line leader
Research line(s): Foundations & Synthesis
Dr. Julia Hermann

Dr. Julia Hermann

Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Ethics of Technology
University of Twente
ESDIT role(s): CoordinatorManagement boardResearch fellow
Research line(s): Foundations & SynthesisThe Human Condition
Prof. dr. Wijnand IJsselsteijn

Prof. dr. Wijnand IJsselsteijn

Professor of Cognition and Affect in Human-Technology Interaction
Eindhoven University of Technology
ESDIT role(s): Management boardResearch fellowResearch line leader
Research line(s): The Human Condition
Prof. dr. ir. Ibo van de Poel

Prof. dr. ir. Ibo van de Poel

Professor in Ethics and Technology
Delft University of Technology
ESDIT role(s): Management boardResearch fellowResearch line leader
Research line(s): Nature, Life & Human Intervention
Prof. dr. Sabine Roeser

Prof. dr. Sabine Roeser

Professor of Ethics
Delft University of Technology
ESDIT role(s): Management boardResearch fellowResearch line leader
Research line(s): Future of a Free & Fair Society
Dr. Andreas Spahn

Dr. Andreas Spahn

Associate Professor of Philosophy & Ethics
Eindhoven University of Technology
ESDIT role(s): Management boardResearch fellow
Research line(s): Future of a Free & Fair SocietyThe Human Condition
Prof. dr. Marcel Verweij

Prof. dr. Marcel Verweij

Professor of Philosophical Ethics
Utrecht University
ESDIT role(s): Management boardResearch fellowResearch line leader
Research line(s): Future of a Free & Fair Society