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The Research Lines in the ESDIT program are coordinated by the following people:

Dr. Caroline Bollen

Dr. Caroline Bollen

Postdoctoral Researcher
Eindhoven University of Technology
ESDIT role(s): Coordinator research lineResearch fellow
Core line(s): STEM
Affiliated line(s): Wellbeing, Emotions & Health
Dr. Bernice Bovenkerk

Dr. Bernice Bovenkerk

Associate Professor of Environmental and Animal ethics
Wageningen University & Research
ESDIT role(s): Coordinator research lineResearch fellow
Core line(s): Nature & Sustainability
Affiliated line(s): Art
Dr. Aafke Fraaije

Dr. Aafke Fraaije

Postdoctoral Researcher
Delft University of Technology
ESDIT role(s): Coordinator research lineResearch fellow
Core line(s): ArtDemocracy, Justice & Solidarity
Dr. Lily Frank

Dr. Lily Frank

Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Ethics
Eindhoven University of Technology
ESDIT role(s): Coordinator research lineResearch fellow
Core line(s): Human Nature, Agency & Autonomy
Affiliated line(s): Conceptual disruption
Dr. Nolen Gertz

Dr. Nolen Gertz

Assistant Professor of Applied Philosophy
University of Twente
ESDIT role(s): Coordinator research lineResearch fellow
Core line(s): Human Nature, Agency & Autonomy
Affiliated line(s): Democracy, Justice & Solidarity
Dr. Janna van Grunsven

Dr. Janna van Grunsven

Assistant professor in Ethics and Philosophy of Technology
Delft University of Technology
ESDIT role(s): Coordinator research lineResearch fellow
Core line(s): Wellbeing, Emotions & Health
Affiliated line(s): New Methods for Ethics
Dr. Giles Howdle

Dr. Giles Howdle

Postdoctoral Researcher
Utrecht University
ESDIT role(s): Coordinator research lineResearch fellow
Core line(s): New Methods for Ethics
Affiliated line(s): Conceptual disruption
Dr. Patrik Hummel

Dr. Patrik Hummel

Assistant Professor in Philosophy & Ethics
Eindhoven University of Technology
ESDIT role(s): Coordinator research lineResearch fellow
Core line(s): Democracy, Justice & Solidarity
Affiliated line(s): Conceptual disruption
Dr. Dominic Lenzi

Dr. Dominic Lenzi

Assistant Professor in Environmental Philosophy
University of Twente
ESDIT role(s): Coordinator research lineResearch fellow
Core line(s): Nature & Sustainability
Affiliated line(s): Intercultural Philosophy
Dr. Elizabeth O’Neill

Dr. Elizabeth O’Neill

Assistant Professor of Philosophy & Ethics
Eindhoven University of Technology
ESDIT role(s): Coordinator research lineResearch fellow
Core line(s): New Methods for Ethics
Affiliated line(s): Democracy, Justice & Solidarity
Dr. Luca Possati

Dr. Luca Possati

Senior Researcher
University of Twente
ESDIT role(s): Coordinator research lineResearch fellow
Core line(s): Human Nature, Agency & Autonomy
Affiliated line(s): Intercultural Philosophy
Dr. Anna Puzio

Dr. Anna Puzio

Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Twente
ESDIT role(s): Coordinator research lineResearch fellow
Core line(s): Conceptual Disruption
Affiliated line(s): Democracy, Justice & SolidarityIntercultural Philosophy