News & Media
News from the ESDIT programme + media appearances by our researchers
Practicing Ethics: Marcel Verweij inaugural lecture at the University of Utrecht
On January 11, Prof. Dr. Marcel Verweij, a member of the ESDiT Management Board, held his inaugural lecture “Practicing Ethics” as Professor of Philosophical Ethics at the University of Utrecht. Following the steps of Prof.dr. Robert Heeger to promote research on how...
Conceptual Engineering for Emerging Technologies New Webinar Series
The Conceptual Engineering for Emerging Technologies (CEET) initiative is a joint venture by the Conceptual Engineering Network, the ESDIT Consortium, HKU's AI&Humanity Lab, and ConceptLab HK. The CEET initiative aims to promote the application of conceptual...
How Can Attention-Seeking Be Good? Seminar Recording Now Online
In this seminar on 12 December 2023, Prof. Dr. Cor van der Weele (Wageningen University & Research) spoke about the question how attention-seeking can be good. It was organized by the ESDiT working group on the “Attention Economy,” as part of their seminar series “Attending as practice in the attention economy”
Attention Span: A Groundbreaking Way to Restore Balance, Happiness and Productivity – Recording Now Available
On 31 October 2023 the ESDiT working group on “Attention Economy” organized an online seminar with Dr. Gloria Mark (University of California, Irvine) on her book ‘Attention Span: A Groundbreaking Way to Restore Balance, Happiness and Productivity’. The seminar is part of the series “Attending as practice in the attention economy”.
Closure ESDiT support office for the holidays
The ESDiT support office will be closed from 21 December to 5 January. Happy holidays!
ESDIT on the Dissenter Podcast
ESDIT researchers Jeroen Hopster, Julia Hermann and Ibo van de Poel talk on The Dissenter Podcast about their recently published book The Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies; An Introduction. Host Ricardo Lopez about this podcast: “We start by discussing the ethics of technology, what socially disruptive technologies are, and the intercultural outlook of the book. We then go through social media, social robots, climate engineering, and ectogestative technology. We also discuss who should be held responsible for social disruption, and whether technology is neutral.“
– VACANCY CLOSED – PhD position in Environmental Ethics
PhD position available at the section philosophy – University of Twente on Environmental Ethics. Application deadline: 8 December 2023.
– VACANCY CLOSED – PhD position Environmental Political Theory
PhD position available at the section philosophy – University of Twente on Environmental Political Theory. Application deadline: 8 December 2023.
The Co-Shaping of Attention and Technologies – Recording Now Available
Speaker at the online seminar on ‘The Co-Shaping of Attention and Technologies’ was dr. Galit Wellner of Tel Aviv University and the Holon Institute of Technology. The seminar was part of the series “Attending as practice in the attention economy”, organized by the ESDiT working group on the “Attention Economy.”