News & Media
News from the ESDIT programme + media appearances by our researchers
Aligning traffic with public values is complex—could navigation apps ‘nudge’ drivers to do better?
We all want livable cities and clean air. But how can we ensure driver autonomy while promoting public values in mobility? The Driving for Values project [a collaboration between AMS Institute, the City of Amsterdam and ESDIT researchers] offers solutions for integrating smart navigation into cities—while covering critical ethical bases.
The Ethics of Artificial Wombs: an interview with Julia Hermann
ESDiT researcher Julia Hermann is interviewed by Ricardo Lopes of podcast The Dissenter about her research on ectogestative technology, or in simpler terms: artificial wombs.
The programme of the 4TU.Ethics/ESDiT Conference is live
The programme of the 4TU.Ethics/ESDiT Conference Rethinking Ethics – Reimagining Technology University of TWente, 2-4 October 2024) is now available!
Prof. Ibo van de Poel awarded as TU Delft Professor of Excellence Award 2024
We are delighted that Prof. Ibo van de Poel, Professor of Ethics and Technology at TU Delft and member of ESDiT Management Board, has been awarded the TU Delft’s “Professor of Excellence Award 2024”!
Caroline Bollen interviewed about her PhD project on Dutch National Radio
Caroline Bollen was interviewed on her work on Empathy by the Dutch NPO Radio 1, a public-service radio channel in the Netherlands, during a "De Nacht van..." session dedicated to science. During the interview, Caroline talked about the urgency for a new definition of...
“Governing Prometheus”: Benjamin Hofbauer’s PhD Defense
Benjamin Hofbauer defended his PhD dissertation “Governing Prometheus: Ethical Reflections on Risk & Uncertainty In Solar Climate Engineering Research” on 19 June at TU Delft.
Prof. Detlef van Vuuren awarded with Spinoza Award 2024
We are overjoyed that Detlef Van Vuuren has been awarded the Spinoza Prize – the highest distinction in Dutch science – for his scientific work this year!
Prof. Vincent Blok appointed as professor of Philosophy of Data Science and AI at the Erasmus School of Philosophy
Prof. Vincent Blok, Professor in Philosophy of Technology and Responsible Innovation at Wageningen University and Research (WUR) and member of the ESDiT Management Board, has been appointed Professor of Philosophy of Data Science and AI at the Erasmus School of Philosophy (part-time) .
Caroline Bollen first ESDiT PhD graduate with her work on Empathy 2.0
On 28 May, at TU Delft, Caroline Bollen became the first ESDiT PhD graduating, as she successfully defended her PhD thesis: Empathy 2.0: What it means to be empathetic in a diverse and digital world.
Reimagining Digital Well-Being – Report for designers & policy makers
Matthew Dennis (TU/Eindhoven), Anna Puzio (University of Twente) and Gunter Bombaerts (TU/Eindhoven) contributed to the report “Reimagining Digital Well-Being – for designers & policy makers”.