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ESDiT Event

Date: June 10, 2024
All-day event
Wellbeing, Emotions & Health

The third annual Locked-in Syndrome (LiS) International Conference took place online on 10 June 2024.

Our Research Fellow Bouke van Balen (TU/Eindhoven) co-organized and co-hosted the Conference. The conference showed how important it is to bring people with LiS, caregivers, medical professionals, researchers, and assistive technology designers together. Four people living with LiS shared their experiences, and researchers, clinicians, and assistive technology professionals shared contemporary research and developments about Locked-In Syndrome.

Locked-in syndrome is a rare neurological disorder in which patients are unable to move anything except their eyes despite being fully conscious. It is an incredibly disabling and isolating condition. The problem is that fellow sufferers are spread around the world, and independent travel is out of the question, so always having to be accompanied by a carer makes travel costs prohibitive.

The Conference included contributions from LiS patients, researchers, clinicians and industry representatives. All contributions were recorded and are available to watch here.