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ESDIT on the Dissenter Podcast

ESDIT on the Dissenter Podcast

ESDIT researchers Jeroen Hopster, Julia Hermann and Ibo van de Poel talk on The Dissenter Podcast about their recently published book The Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies; An Introduction. Host Ricardo Lopez about this podcast: "We start by discussing the ethics of technology, what socially disruptive technologies are, and the intercultural outlook of the book. We then go through social media, social robots, climate engineering, and ectogestative technology. We also discuss who should be held responsible for social disruption, and whether technology is neutral."
“The Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies; An Introduction” – New Open Access Book

“The Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies; An Introduction” – New Open Access Book

About this book Technologies shape who we are, how we organize our societies and how we relate to nature. For example, social media challenges democracy; artificial intelligence raises the question of what is unique to humans; and the ...
Just Perceive: How Phenomenology and the Arts Can Guide Us in the Tech Era – seminar recording now available

Just Perceive: How Phenomenology and the Arts Can Guide Us in the Tech Era – seminar recording now available
#ESDiTPodcast S1 – Sabine Roeser on “Technological Risk, Emotions and Art”

#ESDiTPodcast S1 – Sabine Roeser on “Technological Risk, Emotions and Art”

Sabine Roeser is Professor of Ethics at TU Delft. Jeroen Hopster interviews her about "Technological Risk, Emotions and Art".
Radical Philosophy podcast interview with Julia Hermann

Radical Philosophy podcast interview with Julia Hermann

Dr. Julia Hermann discusses the ethical issues of how an artificial womb could be used in the future, If an artificial womb would change the concept of personhood and how it would effect the debate about abortion and reproductive rights.
#ESDiTPodcast S0 – Julia Hermann on “The Artificial Womb”

#ESDiTPodcast S0 – Julia Hermann on “The Artificial Womb”

Julia Hermann is assistant professor at the University of Twente and researcher in the ESDiT programme. Her current research fouses on biomedical ethics, specifically on ethical issues raised by the artificial womb. In this episode Jeroen Hopster interviews her about the ethics of the artificial womb and the disruptions it provokes.
Zwanger of een kind uit een kunst baarmoeder?

Zwanger of een kind uit een kunst baarmoeder?

Filosoof en ethicus en Universitair docent aan de Universiteit Twente, Julia Hermann, doet onderzoek naar hoe technologie invloed heeft op wie wij zijn en wat we belangrijk vinden. Ze probeert de rol van techniek in het verleden te begrijpen en zo te anticiperen op hoe nieuwe technologieën een plek krijgen in onze samenleving. Een interview met Julia Hermann op radio NPO1
